Details about cookies for Apply for your immigration health surcharge reimbursement as a student

Apply for your immigration health surcharge reimbursement puts small files (known as ‘cookies’) onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the site. Find out more about the cookies we use, what they’re for and when they expire.

Cookies that measure website use

We use Google Analytics software (Universal Analytics) to collect anonymised information about how you use GOV.UK. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements to the site and to government digital services.

We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site.

Google Analytics stores information about:

  • how you got to the site
  • the pages you visit on GOV.UK and how long you spend on them
  • what you click on while you’re visiting the site

Google Analytics sets the following cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies

Your progress when applying for your immigration health surcharge reimbursement

When you use the ‘Apply for your immigration health surcharge reimbursement’ service, we’ll set a cookie to remember your progress through the forms. These cookies do not store your personal data and are deleted once you’ve completed the transaction.

Cookies message

You may see a banner when you visit GOV.UK inviting you to accept cookies or review your settings. We'll set cookies so that your computer knows you've seen it and not to show it again, and also to store your settings.